Friday, 27 July 2018

Primary Parameters Of Rolling Process In A Continuous Rolling Mill

Rolling mills include a series of shaping and finishing operations, to give a final shape and dimension to the intermediate steel products. Basically, the metal slabs are heated in reheating furnaces in what is called a rolling mill process, to give a final shape by employing hot- or cold-rolling or finishing mills method. In fact, some basic products like reinforcement bars, steel plates only require hot-rolling, while some others may require hot-and cold-rolling. These products include steel for cars and white-goods.
Mechanical forces for cold rolling will produce a massive amount of force and energy needs, while hot rolling occurs more rapidly with less force; Be that as it may, there are considerable energy costs to heat the metal to near eutectic temperatures. The statistics show that in large integrated steel plants, the hot roll rolling process is the third largest consumer of energy after iron and steel making.
A typical long product continuous rolling mill is used for reheating, rolling and cooling. The main purpose of the rolling phase is to reduce the cross section of the incoming stock and to produce the planned section profile, the mechanical properties, and the product of the micro structure.

Primary parameters in the three phases of mill processing
Reheating - The input content, more often than not billet is heated in the reheating furnace to the rolling temperature. The main parameters are the heating rate, the time of heating, and temperature of reheating.
Rolling - The main parameters for rolling in the roughing, intermediate, and finishing group of stands in the rolling mill are temperature, the percentage of reduction in area, inter-pass time and strain rate.
Cooling - The main parameters after finish rolling during the rolled product, starting from the cooling rate, and the final temperature.
To make the conclusion, the rolling process is a continuous rolling mill that has a wide application in the construction and automotive industries. The process provides a high production rate, surface finish, as well as grain structure, this is a ideal suitable metal forming process.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Grasping Hot Steel Rolling Mill Plant Process

Today there is a massive use of steel because the material is the lot more efficient than other materials in the class. On an estimate of more than 1.3 billion tons of steel is made every year. Steel has its usage in an array of industries that range from large automobiles, infrastructure, tools and appliances etc. In actual fact steel is confined over its varied custom-made qualities and functionality. Steel is first processed and moulded into specific forms before being used. This process is carried out in steel rolling mill plants by using mill rolls.

Basically, the three principles finished steel product groups are the tube, flat products and long products. These products are created from semi-finished steel products, which are normally made by continuous casting of liquid steel. These so named semis include billet, slab, bloom, and tube.

The Finished Products

Billet is commonly hot-rolled in a hot steel rolling mill plant, into light long products. These products by and large include bar - which can be round, square, angled and so on. This light long group usually comprise merchant bar products (rounds, squares, hexagons, flats, rectangle and so forth, used for the most part as support structures for building, construction, machinery). And also as reinforcing bar (mainly 8 - 18 mm in diameter, and used for concrete reinforcement).

A slab is usually hot rolled into the plate or into the hot rolled coil. Further to this process, there is cold rolling, which more often than not takes hot-rolled steel coil and further reduces the gauge, to make the cold-rolled coil.

Bloom is basically rolled in a blooming mill, to create large sections or huge bar shapes.

A welded tube, in turn, is normally made by a melding of hot-rolled coil or sheet (produced from slab) in a hot steel rolling mill plant; However, plate or cold-rolled steel can likewise be used for welded tube making, depending on the needed wall thickness.


The steel production process in a gist features some typical steps like - production of liquid steel, production of semis, hot rolling of semis to make light long products and cold rolling of the hot rolled bar, to make cold rolled coils.